Meta New Protections To Give Teens More Age Appropriate Experiences On Facebook And Instagram

Meta New Protections To Give Teens More Age Appropriate Experiences On Facebook And Instagram

Age Appropriate Content for kids: Social media giant Meta has shared a blogpost in which the company has shared information about new tools to protect children from exposure to sensitive content on the platform. Meta said that the company will no longer show sensitive content to children, and certain types of terms will be restricted for children. If a child searches for such content on Meta’s platforms, the company will encourage him to seek help in this subject instead of showing the content.

Meta said that the company will keep all the children in the most restrictive content control setting. The company has implemented this setting on new accounts while old accounts are being brought under its purview. Under this, children will be kept away from other sensitive content including suicide, self-harm, eating disorders and they will not see any such content in Explore and Reels. Meta said that these updates will be implemented from the coming week and will show content to users according to their age.

Let us tell you, Meta is already facing pressure from the government in Europe and US. The government says that Meta’s apps show different types of content to attract people and do not provide information about its side effects. EU says that Meta’s apps are having a negative impact on the mental health of children. In October last year, attorneys general from 33 US states, including California and New York, sued the company, saying it had repeatedly misled the public about the dangers of its platforms. Meta is constantly facing pressure from the government in different countries regarding content.

A phone showing the sensitive content control settings.

Two screens directing people to expert resources for help.

Meta is sending notifications to children to update privacy settings

Meta explained in the blogpost that to help ensure that children are regularly checking their safety and privacy settings on Instagram and are aware of the more private settings available, the company is sending notifications where users can You can access all your privacy settings in one tap.

Two screens showing notifications encouraging people to update their settings.

The company said that if users turn on the ‘Recommended Settings’ option, the company will directly restrict who can repost, tag or mention their content, or who can share their content. Can be included in Reels Remix. Meta said that the company will also ensure that only their followers can send them messages and they can hide objectionable comments.

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